About our Network

The Cheshire & Mersey Major Trauma Network, established in 2012, is part of the Cheshire & Merseyside Specialised Services Clinical Networks (SSCN), previously known as Operational Delivery Networks.

Commissioned by NHS England and working in collaboration with NHS Cheshire & Merseyside, the SSCN oversees major trauma and critical care services across the region, implementing a structured approach to improving patient care and outcomes through governance and quality assurance.

Further information on the national operational objectives for the Major Trauma SSCN are detailed below.

about network image

The Network Team

The Network Team


The Network Map

The Network Map


The Provider Participating Organisations

The Provider and Participating 


Strategy & Vision

National Operational Objectives for the Major Trauma SSCN are: 

  • To provide network leadership and support to facilitate the submission of data into the new National Major Trauma Registry and support sites to improve data reliability for the NMTR, as implementation happens.
  • Supporting effective clinical flows through, capacity planning and activity monitoring with collaborative forecasting of demand, and matching of demand and supply.

  • Develop a whole system collaborative approach to supporting patient flow, including repatriations, and monitoring delayed repatriation.

  • Focus on quality and effectiveness by agreeing and implementing standard pathways and protocols, benchmarking, audit and other clinically focused improvement activities.

  • Improve outcomes, reducing avoidable deaths and increasing the quality of life and return to functioning for patients surviving their injuries.

  • Monitor and review patient safety incidents across the network.

  • Ensure an ongoing process of mortality and morbidity reviews is established that is inclusive of the multi-speciality pathway and input.

  • Support the development of new and improved care pathways.

  • Improve the quality of care and patient and family experience reviewing clinical performance through ongoing audit of National Major Trauma Registry (NMTR) data once the NMTR is implemented and established in practice.

  • Ensure that services meet the service specification and standards through ongoing programme of peer reviews and monitoring of performance against national standards. 

  • Ensure common referral, care and transfer pathways and other policies, protocols, and procedures are used across the network.
  • Continual review of education and training in line with professional standards to ensure services are fit for purpose, and through retention and succession planning are future proofed.

  • Ensure robust collection, analysis and reporting of data on outcomes, quality of care and patient and family experience. 

  • Ensure efficient and appropriate flow of patients along the pathway, managing system capacity.

  • Improve equity of access to trauma services.

  • Improve productivity and efficiency across the network. 

  • Improve service resilience and the ability to respond to incidents.

  • Provide clinical expertise to enhance the debate and credibility of decision making for stakeholders.

  • The Network aims to ensure major trauma patients across Cheshire & Merseyside receive the appropriate care at each step of the pathway from pre-hospital, acute care, rehabilitation to discharge, regardless of whether they are managed in a Major Trauma Centre or a Trauma Unit. This is achieved through effective, well established governance structures and biennial service review of participating organisations against national and regional standards.  

Futher infomration on Specialised Services Clinical Networks can be accessed via the NHS England Website