The Patient Journey Rehabilitation

Within Cheshire and Mersey, initial assessment of rehabilitation needs and provision of rehabilitation is undertaken by the Major Trauma Therapy Teams within the Major Trauma Centre Colloborative or by relevant speciality Therapy Teams within the Trauma Units.  For patients who still have outstanding rehabilitation needs on discharge from the acute major trauma pathway whether this be at the MTCC, TU or both, a referral will be made onto relevant local inpatient, outpatient or community services.


The level of rehabilitation required is dependent on multiple factors, such as the number, type and severity of injuries and pre-existing conditions.

This means some patients may complete their rehabilitation whilst in the acute hospital setting and will be able to be discharged home, while others may need an extended period of rehabilitation, either as an inpatient at one of the Cheshire & Merseyside Rehabilitation Network Units, at other care facilities such as Merseycare Brain Injuries Rehabilitation Centre or the North West Spinal Cord Injury Centre, or in the community.

Cheshire and Merseyside Rehabilitation Network (CMRN)

The Chesire & Merseyside Rehabilitation Network (CMRN) are an award winning, unique collaboration of five partner organisations that provide supportive, active, and extended specialist rehabilitation care to adults following traumatic injury or serious illness dependent on need not diagnosis.

The services are delivered by highly skilled interdisciplinary teams who work in partnership with patients and their families to achieve a patient-centred approach to specialist rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation may be offered at different stages of the patient’s journey. The service provision extends from early post-Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) rehabilitation through to community-based specialist rehabilitation services. The location of where and when rehabilitation is offered is based on the patient’s need at any given time.

Further Information about the Cheshire & Merseyside Rehabilitation Network can be found here

Mersey Care Brain Injuries Rehabilitation Centre

Provided by Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust from a 12 bedded inpatient facility based at the Walton Centre the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre (BIRC) provides rehabilitation for patients with acquired brain injury from the Merseyside catchment area.

North West Regional Spinal Injuries Centre

The North West Spinal Injuries Centre based at the Southport site of Mersey and West Lancashire NHS Teaching Trust provides specialised rehabilitation for patients who have sustained a spinal cord injury.