Patient Experience Group

The views of our service users and carers are at the heart of improving the way we deliver patient care and services. Monitoring and improving care delivery through the eyes of people who use our services is the most effective way of knowing what we do well and what we can do better.

This  mulri-porfessional group has been established to provide a forum for patient and relatives to work collaboratively with Cheshire and Mersey Critical Care Network and senior members of Multi-disciplinary team.

The groups aims are:

  • To review and update the existing Networks Patient and Public Involvement Strategy.
  • To produce, provide and /or signpost educational resources and opportunities for staff around the patient and relatives experiences in critical care.
  • Create a forum to signpost patients and their families for help and advice during and post critical care
  • Produce a mechanism for patients and families to feedback to critical care a staff.
  • To share experiences and learning