Safe Critically lll Transfer Training (SCITT)
This is a joint development by the three North West Critical Care networks, Cheshire & Mersey, Greater Manchester, Lancashire & South Cumbria to improve the theory, knowledge and practical skills of clinical staff who undertake patient transfers . It has also been endorsed by the North West Deanery .
The course focuses on raising awareness of current transfer guidance, risk management before & during transfer, management of the transfer and includes human factors and situational awareness. The aim is to ensure that during transfer, critical care is delivered to high standards and any situations are anticipated, identified and managed accordingly.
SCITT is aimed at all registered nurses working in the Critical Care environment & trainee medical staff. Staff from the emergency department and theatre staff who may be involved in patient transfers will also find this course useful.
There are 2 parts to the course and optional component; the e Learning module which must be completed first, attendance at a clinical simulation course facilitated locally by CMCCN units.
Staff can also complete a log book detailing clinical experience of patient transfers as an optional component.
For further information on SCITT and to register for the online component of the training please click on the link below :
Safe Critically Ill Transfer Training (SCITT) registration page