Network Groups

Cheshire & Mersey Major Trauma Network supports the delivery of high-quality care for all trauma patients across the pathway of trauma services. This is achieved through:

  • Cross-organisational working and collaboration.
  • Clinical assurance through shared protocols, standards, clinical guidelines, performance and quality audits, plus governance processes.
  • Consistency in approach to implementation of transfer and repatriation protocols. 

To support this, the Network has established several working groups, as outlined below.


This group brings together clinicians from across the region to discuss clinical management of patients on the major trauma pathway.

The group helps inform key developments in major trauma service delivery and also supports the network governance process, providing a forum for shared learning and actions from clinical incidents, highlight excellent practice and aims to improve patient safety and service delivery.

The Clinical Group meets quarterly and requires the attendance of the following members, or their nominated deputies:

Major Trauma Specialised Services Clinical Network (MTSSCN):

  • MTSSCN Director 
  • MTSSCN Medical Lead (Chair)
  • MTSSCN Quality Improvement Lead
  • MTSSCN Administaration and Project Suport Officer

Major Trauma Centre Collaborative (MTCC):

  • MTCC Lead Clinician (NHS University Hospitals Liverpool Group – Aintree Hospital)
  • MTCC Lead Clinician (The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust)
  • MTCC Major Trauma Nurse Practitioner(s) (NHS University Hospitlas Liverpool Group – Aintree Hospital)
  • MTCC Trauma Thearpy Lead(s) (Both MTCC Sites)

Children’s Major Trauma Centre (MTC):

  • Children’s MTC Lead Clinician (Alder Hey Children’s Hospital)
  • Children’s MTC Major Trauma Coordinator (Alder Hey Children’s Hospital)
  • North West Children's Major Trauma Network Medical Lead and Lead Nurse

Trauma Units (TU):

  • TU Trust Trauma Lead Clinicians
  • TU Major Trauma Nurse Coordinators

North  West Ambulance Service (NWAS):

  • NWAS Associate Medical Director
  • NWAS Clinical Support Manager

Specialist Professionals:

  • Consultant Geritricain  (NHS University Hospitlas Liverpool Group – Aintree Hospital)
  • Consulatnat Radiologist (NHS University Hospitlas Liverpool Group – Aintree Hospital)
  • Spinal Cord Injury Advanced Nurse Practiotioner (The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Advanced Head Injury Practitioner (The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Acute Rehabilitation Consultnat (The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust)

The aims of the Clinical Group are to:

  • Agree on clinical priorities for the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network, including the setting of bespoke clinical standards, and oversee their implementation, in addition to any nationally set priorities and standards.
  • Provide clinical advice to the Cheshire & Mersey Joint Specialised Services Clinical Networks Board.
  • Implement recommendations from the Cheshire & Mersey Joint Specialised Services Clinical Networks Board.
  • Develop clinical protocols, guidelines, and standards relevant to the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network to ensure the optimal standard of care is delivered.
  • Monitor the progress of clinical elements within the SSCN work programme relevant to the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network.
  • Provide oversight of clinical governance for the major trauma pathway for all patients and all partners within the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma System.
  • Provide a forum to review outcomes from the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network Clinical Governance Group.
  • Support the formulation and maintenance of a risk register for the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network.
  • Receive formal clinical effectiveness reports from the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network, encompassing all elements of the Major Trauma pathway.
  • Recommend and oversee an audit programme for the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network on an annual basis.
  • Provide oversight of education, training, and research relating to Major Trauma pathways across the network

The Major Trauma Nurses play an integral role in coordinating care for major trauma patients, both at the Major Trauma Centres and at the Trauma Units.

In Cheshire & Merseyside we have Major Trauma Nurses in all participating acute trusts, providing senior nursing input to the major trauma patients five days a week at the Trauma Units, and 7 days a week at the Major Trauma Centre sites.

The Major Trauma Nurses meet quarterly for formal meetings but are regularly in contact outside these meetings to share best practice and provide peer support.

The Major Trauma Nurses are crucial in delivering nurse education and have developed plans to provide a Major Trauma course on a rotational basis across the region, ensuring our nursing teams receive appropriate training to care for major trauma patients.

The key remit of the group is to support a consistent approach to the delivery of care by Major Trauma Teams across all partciptating acute trusts within the Major Trauma Network.

Other aims of the group are to:

  • Share good practice, guidelines, and review relevant common protocols in relation to major trauma.
  • Share lessons learned from major trauma clinical incidents and clinical governance.
  • Share internal audit data on trauma practice.
  • Provide peer support across the Network.
  • Arrange benchmarking reviews and present recommendations back to the group.
  • Support the development of training and education programmes across the Network.

The Trauma in Older People Group was established in response to the increasing number of older people being admitted across Cheshire & Merseyside with injuries that meet the criteria for major trauma, even though the resulting mechanism of injury may not have been as significant.

The group is chaired by a Consultant Geriatrician from the adult Major Trauma Centre and includes multi-professional representation from participating organisations across the region and has developed links with Public Health partners. 

The Trauma in Older People group meet on a quarterly basis and report into the Network Clinical Group meeting.

The aims of the group are:

  • To agree on clinical priorities for older people who sustain traumatic injuries within Cheshire & Merseyside, including project development and the setting of bespoke clinical standards, and to oversee their implementation alongside any nationally set priorities and standards.
  • To develop clinical protocols, guidelines, and standards for Trauma in Older People relevant to the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network to ensure optimal standards of care are delivered and improved.
  • To receive formal clinical effectiveness reports from the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network, encompassing all elements of the Major Trauma pathway relating to elderly trauma.
  • To recommend and oversee an audit programme for the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network relating to Trauma in Older People.
  • To provide oversight of education, training, and research relating to Trauma in Older People pathways across the network.


The Allied Healthcare Professionals (AHP) Forum/Group reports to the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Clinical Group and will provide a forum for peer support and sharing of best practice for AHPs working with major trauma patients across Cheshire & Merseyside.

The aims of the forum are:

  • To develop and foster collaborative relationships between AHPs working with major trauma patients, ensuring the sharing of best practice throughout the network, which will uphold the highest standards of care for patients and their families.
  • To contribute to local, regional, and national major trauma AHP workstreams and provide a collective voice for CMMTN AHPs.
  • To provide effective channels of communication with other relevant regional and national AHP workstreams, e.g., the National Major Trauma Rehabilitation Group.
  • To provide a forum to share and progress all aspects of AHP service provision relating to the care of major trauma patients within CMMTN.
  • To conduct and support specific research/audit projects that will benefit and inform clinical practice and patient care.
  • To provide a support network for AHPs caring for major trauma patients across CMMTN.

If you are an Allied Healthcare Professional working in Cheshire & Merseyside and are interested in joining the Major Trauma AHP Forum, please use the contact us tab and put “CMMTN AHP Forum” in the title.

The Violence Reduction Clinical Network Group meets on a quarterly basis and reports to the Cheshire and Mersey Major Trauma Network (CMMTN) Clinical Group and the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership (MVRP).

The aims of the clincal network are:

  • To communicate an understanding of the core principles of violence reduction throughout an established clinical network to the relevant healthcare professionals in the 10 regional hospitals comprising the trauma network. This includes the causes of serious violence including adverse childhood events, regional data and analysis, to the unique role of the healthcare professional in affecting change, the need to adopt a trauma informed approach and the concept of a public health approach to tackling societal violence.
  • To disseminate the learning, messages, and opportunities from partner organisations such as Merseyside Police, the Fire Service, City Council youth services, youth offending teams, the education sector and the probation service to NHS staff throughout the region.To provide a forum for shared learning within the regional healthcare sector with regards to serious youth violence.
  • ​To link major trauma hospitals together to understand better the regional differences in the incidence, effects and causes of youth violence and to formulate localised strategies on how to address them.
  • To provide oversight of  education, training and research relating to Violence Reduction pathways across the network