Local Patient and Relative Support groups within CMCCN

The views of our service users and carers are at the heart of improving the way we as a critical care network deliver patient care and services. Monitoring and improving care delivery through the eyes of people who use our services is the most effective way of knowing what we do well and what we can do better.

The network has established groups and forums to provide  for patient and relatives to work collaboratively with Cheshire and Mersey Critical Care Network and senior members of Multi-disciplinary team.

We also undertake twice yearly relative satisfaction surveys within each of our units and produce a relative satisfacrion report which acts as a conduit for service improvement to ensure our patients and relatives get the best care possible.

We also have a network and public Improvement policy which we have developed in conjunction with patient and relative respresentatives.



CMCCN patient and relative support groups 

Some of our Critical Care units within CMCCN have their own patient support groups that offer on-going support to patients following their stay in critical care. Patients and relatives coming together develops support mechanisms and reassurance to both patients and relatives and dispels many of their worries.

Healthcare professionals often attend these meetings and are happy to offer advice and support if needed.

Some of the groups are registered with the national ICU Steps charity. All are patient and relatives support groups offer support to any patient and relative within the Cheshire and Mersey region.

Links to CMCCN patient and relative support groups websites

To access the websites please click on the links below :

ICU Steps webpage for Whiston Hospital Support group

ICU Steps webpage for Southport Hospital support group

Warrington patients and relatives support group


Critical Care Support Network

Critical Care Support Network National Support Group is a national support group for patients and families. This group originally evolved from one of  our network units ICU Steps groups. They hold a large amount of information and resources on their website .

toTo view their website please click here