Clinical Group and Governance
This group is for Clinical Medical Leads and Senior Nurses of each of CMCCN unit to discuss clinical management, critical care service delivery and leadership of critical care units.
This group also helps inform critical care leadership teams of key developments in critical care service delivery. It also provides a forum for collaborative working.
Within this group we also provide a network governance reporting system and use the forum to share learning and actions from clinical incidents to improve patient safety and improve service delivery.
The group also provides peer support for all members.
Meeting dates
Meetings are quarterly and we have a blended learning approach using both teams and face to face.
Group Chair
Dr Tristan Cope CMCCN Medical Lead
Group related resources and information
All the following links and documents are for information for the members of this group.
National and CMCCN surge plan guidance
National Surge Guidance
The purpose of this guidance is to specifically set out: the process for the identification of current and potential adult critical care capacity and ensure a consistent national approach by which providers of adult critical care services can escalate very high-capacity pressures to commissioners and regional offices.
To support how provider organisations, adult critical care networks, integrated care systems (ICSs) and their stakeholders should act in response to such escalations and the anticipated escalation process locally, regionally, and nationally across NHSE in support of adult critical care networks , including how NHS Strategic Command arrangements are implemented should they be required.
To access this click here.
CMCCN Surge Guidance
This guidance is intended to guide Cheshire and Mersey Critical Care Network Unit teams and all other stakeholders within the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System (ICS) on the actions required when there are exceptional demands for Critical Care capacity within a network.
This guidance is intended to assist local escalation at Trust and Network level in the management of increasing demands for Adult Critical Care capacity and will be superseded in the occurrence of any declared major incident or clinical event, where wider cross regional or national coordination and escalation is required.
To access this click here.
NHSE Service specification for Adult Critical Care Services
The latest version of the national service specification for Adult Critical Care Services (220502S) was published on the 30 May 2022 and replaced the previous version D05 released in 2019.
Adult critical care services are commissioned by both NHS England and Integrated Care Systems and the specification outlines the standards and indicators be applied to all critical care services within the defined model irrespective of responsible commissioner
The scope of the specification is for adults whose care incorporates the need for or availability of level 2 or 3 Adult Critical Care, as defined within the Intensive Care Society, Levels of Care Consensus statement, March 2021,as a component of their care, recognising the continuum of levels of care throughout the pathway.
To access this click here.
CMCCN Clinical Governance Reporting Form
This form should be used by CMCCN units for reporting clinical incidents they would like the CMCCN core team to investigate via the CMCCN clinical governence process. This promotes shared learning across all CMCCN units.
CMCCN governance reporting form
Guidelines for the Provision of Intensive Care Services (GPICS) version 2:1
These are a set of National Standards for Critical Care units in the United Kingdom.
Intensive Care Society | GPICS V2.1
NHS directory of services (DOS)
This is a national database of critical care bed and staffing information of critical care services in England. All critical care units are rrquired to update this system at least twice a day and when there have been changes to unit occupancy. The National Commissioned Data Repository (NCDR) uses this data to produced twice daily critical care dashboards which provides a summary of critical care bed occupancy and staffing across the entire country.
Service Search Results | NHS Pathways DoS (
National Commissioned Data Repository (NCDR)
This is a National Critical Care Dashboard commissioned by NHSE and provides critical care bed and staffing information for all critical care units in England. Information is inputted at unit level and data can be broken down into regions and networks.
Critcon Levels
- CRITCON translates the real-time observation & assessment of strain by clinical leaders in both routine circumstances and rapidly evolving situations, into a succinct communication score. This enables local, regional & national understanding, escalation, operational decision-making and loadbalancing.
Intensive Care Society | CRITCON Levels (
Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC)
ICNARC's focus is on people who are likely to become, currently are, or are recovering from being critically ill. All critical care units subscribe and input data into ICNARC via their Case mix programme (CMP). ICNARC makes results from the Case Mix Programme public via the publication of the CMP Annual Quality Report to provide a valuable insight into the quality of adult, general and specialist critical care. For more information on ICNARC please click on the link below